Recommended Resources

I currently maintain two categories of recommended resources on this blog: the first is for scholarly literature pertaining to my academic work in Classics, and the latter is for recommended bibliography pertaining to secular literature.

Reviews of Scholarship:

For a list of my (extended) reviews of scholarly literature–pertaining to the fields of Classics, New Testament Studies, Philosophy, and Religious Studies–see here.

For a bibliography of notable historical Jesus and historical Paul scholarship over the past several decades, see here.

Secular History & Philosophy Resources:

For an introductory list (with shorter reviews) of secular literature–pertaining to topics of history and philosophy, as well as science–see here.

In addition, I also maintain a ‘recommended resources’ page on the sister-blog to this site, Civitas Humana, which includes a list of secular humanist, atheist, and naturalist philosophical literature, that can be viewed here.